EPIC Insurance Appointed as CAL SMACNA’s New Broker of Record and Program Administrator for Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Workers’ Compensation Program
CAL SMACNA is pleased to announce the appointment of EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants, a retail property and casualty insurance brokerage and employee benefits consultant, as the new Insurance Broker of Record and Program Administrator for the Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Program. EPIC brings to CAL SMACNA a strong statewide presence with a successful team of brokers who have decades of experience with California’s Construction Industry.
“We are super excited to re-energize, enhance, and promote the benefits of our ADR Workers’ Compensation Program through our new partnership with EPIC,” said Chris Walker, EVP of CAL SMACNA. “Their market clout as the nation’s 15th largest retail insurance broker, their footprint of nearly 20 locations across California, their deep knowledge of California’s Workers’ Compensation system, and their extensive experience serving the construction industry in our state and across the country, all make them an ideal Managing Broker, Program Administrator and partner for CAL SMACNA and our members.” Walker continued “We made the change to EPIC in 2019 because our members simply deserve the best level of service in the industry.”
REMINDER— Before you commit to an annual renewal of your workers comp policy, CAL SMACNA encourages you and your existing broker to reach out to EPIC to learn more about the benefits of participating in CAL SMACNA’s ADR program.
Meet the EPIC Team!
Michael Brown, Senior Principal – Michael has over 20 years’ experience devoted towards property/casualty insurance on behalf of the Specialty Trade Contractors and has been with EPIC since its inception in 2007. Located in EPIC’s San Ramon office, Michael is responsible for the CAL SMACNA’s overall program and will be a dedicated contact for the Bay Area, Northern San Joaquin, and Sacramento Chapters: michael.brown@epicbrokers.com.
Rob Dutto, Senior Principal – With over 25 years of industry/ADR experience, Rob has also been with EPIC since 2007 and is also located in the San Ramon office. Rob partners with Michael in the overall program management and is also a dedicated contact for the Bay Area, Northern San Joaquin, and Sacramento Chapters: rob.dutto@epicbrokers.com.
Deanna Buck, Principal – At EPIC since 2015, Deanna has over 17 years’ insurance experience with an extensive background in the construction sector. She is located in EPIC’s Fresno office, Deanna spends a considerable amount of time in both the Central Valley and the Los Angeles area conducting business with her client base. She will be a dedicated contact for Southern California, Central Valley and Tri-Counties Chapters: deanna.buck@epicbrokers.com.
Vinny Perricone, Principal – Vinny has been with EPIC since 2008 and is located in EPIC’s Irvine office. His strength in developing relationships is essential to his proven success. Vinny will be a dedicated contact for the Southern California and San Diego Chapters: vinny.perricone@epicbrokers.com.
ADR is an alternative to the traditional approach of managing workers’ compensation claims. With ADR, an injured worker uses the services of a professional, independent ombudsperson who is knowledgeable in workers’ compensation process and law to quickly determine if an injury is work related and, if so, to arrange the appropriate medical treatment and expedite the provision of other benefits for the injured worker.
ADR provides employers with flexibility to manage the overall costs of their workers’ compensation program by quickly promoting voluntary agreement with the injured worker on effective medical treatment and other issues; reducing conflict, uncertainty, and litigation over the nature and extent of necessary medical treatment. In addition to expedited medical care, ADR can provide quicker return-to-work for injured workers, reduce claim costs, and expedite claims resolutions.
As CAL SMACNA’s ADR Program Managing Broker and Program Administrator, EPIC will be responsible for further enhancing the structure, practices, and value of the ADR Program, and for contacting and educating Association members across the state on the many administrative, operational, and financial benefits available through the ADR Program.