Koloa, Hawaii – April 11, 2015 – Randy Attaway, President and CEO of AGC, Inc., located in Campbell, California and a member of Bay Area SMACNA was awarded California Association of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractors, National Association’s (CAL SMACNA) Ed Banks Memorial Contractor of the Year Award at CAL SMACNA’s 49th Annual Convention held at the Grand Hyatt Kauai Resort and Spa in Koloa, Hawaii.

Randy served 12 years on the the Los Gatos Council – three of those years as the Mayor of Los Gatos.  One of Randy’s biggest contributions to the Town of Los Gatos was (in 1994) when he (as Mayor) encouraged the World Cup Brazilian Soccer Team and their fans to celebrate in their community.  After Brazil won the World Cup, he was honored for his leadership with the Order of the Southern Cross Award signed by the President of Brazil – it is the highest award given to a non-Brazilian.  The Citizens and Town of Los Gatos were recognized throughout the world for hosting the Brazilians in Los Gatos.  As a Council Member he participated on many Bay Area Committees and Boards and served as Chairperson of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District for two years.

Randy worked for 16 years at Therma, prior to starting his own company in Campbell in 2000 (with four partners) and served on the CAL SMACNA Board of Directors from 2006 to 2013, and served as the 2011/2012 CAL SMACNA President.  He has been on the Bay Area SMACNA Board of Directors since 2010 and has been newly appointed as Treasurer on the Bay Area SMACNA Executive Committee.  He also serves on the SMWIA Local 104 Health Care Plan and Supplemental Pension Plan, and the Santa Clara Advisory Committee.

He is also on the SMACNA National Legislative Committee and SMACNA SMAC PAC Committee.  He served the CAL SMACNA Executive Committee Nominations Committee, the Guilfoy Memorial Craftsmanship of the Year Award Committee, the Investment Committee, the Regulatory Advisory Committee, the Convention Committee, the Budget Committee, and served as Chair for the Ed Banks Memorial Award Committee in 2012.

2015 Ed Banks Award Committee members stated “There is no one more deserving.  An outstanding choice!  He has worked diligently for CAL SMACNA for years.  One of the most professional people I have encountered in all my years of association business.”  Having known this individual for many years, I can attest to his integrity and dedication to the industry.  His experience in municipal and regional government certainly was invaluable to me and others, in trying to understand those local government machinations!  He truly befits the Ed Banks Award criteria!”

Randy Attaway can be reached at  randy@agcinc.com

AGC, Inc. Website: www.agcinc.com