Vocational education is getting some much needed attention by the California Legislature in 2015.  CAL SMACNA and the GetREAL Coalition have been working with Senator Mike McGuire (D-Healdsburg) to restore significant funding for high quality vocational education programs that actually provide the necessary skills that lead students to real-world occupations and/or apprenticeship programs after high school.

SB 148 ultimately aims to provide up to $600 million for incentive grants to local school districts who can demonstrate their ongoing commitment to high quality vocational education.

CAL SMACNA members helped support the passage of SB 148 (McGuire) out of the State Senate yesterday on a unanimous and bipartisan vote of 40-0 in the State Senate.  Onward to the State Assembly!


California State Senate Analysis of SB 148:


Existing law establishes the following CTE programs for public

1)Regional Occupational Centers and Programs.  Existing law
establishes various CTE programs for public schools including
Regional Occupational Centers and Programs (ROCPs) that allow
students from multiple schools or districts to participate in
career technical training programs regardless of the
geographical location of their residence in a county or
region.  Existing law authorizes the following types of ROCPs
operational models:  (Education Code § 52300 et. seq.)

a)   County ROCP:  Existing law authorizes county
superintendent of schools, with the consent of the State
Board of Education (SBE) to establish and maintain a ROCP
to provide education and training in career technical
courses.  (Education Code § 52301(a))

b)   Joint Powers Agency ROCP:  Existing law authorizes two
or more school districts to form a joint powers agency
(JPA) for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a
ROCP for students who are enrolled in those districts.
(Education Code § 52301(a)(2))

c)   Single District ROCP:  Existing law authorizes certain
very large districts, who do not wish to be part of a
county ROCP, to apply to the SBE through their county
superintendent of schools for permission to establish and
maintain a ROCP for students enrolled in the district.  The
county superintendent of schools may supervise the
establishment of the ROCP.  (Education Code § 52301(b))

2)Partnership Academies.  The Partnership Academy model is a
three-year program, for grades 10 through 12, structured as a
school-within-a-school and incorporates (a) rigorous
integrated academics with a career focus; (b) business
partnerships that provide support through curriculum
resources, classroom speakers, field trips, mentors, and
internships; and (c) teachers who work as a team in preparing
students for careers and postsecondary education. (Education
Code § 54690 et. seq.)

3)Specialized Secondary Programs.  A specialized secondary
program is a four-year grant program that provides
opportunities for students to obtain advanced instruction, in
addition to core course work, and skills in technology
appropriate to the curriculum. Comprehensive high schools may
use the grant funds for programs that provide students with
advanced learning opportunities in a variety of subjects,
including but not limited to English-language arts,
mathematics, science, history and social science, foreign
language, and the visual performing arts.  The acquisition of
technology skills and the use of technology as a tool for
instruction and learning are also emphasized in these
programs. Frequently, specialized secondary programs are
established as a smaller learning community or a
school-within-a-school.  (Education Code § 58800 et. seq.)

4)Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Program.
The Agricultural Career Technical Education Incentive Program
provides local educational agencies (LEAs) with funds to
improve the quality of their agricultural vocational education
programs.  The goal is to maintain a high-quality,
comprehensive agricultural vocational program in California’s
public school system to ensure a constant source of
employable, trained, and skilled individuals.  (Education Code
§ 52460)

5)Career Technical Education Pathways Program.  Provided
one-time funding for competitive grants to improve the
linkages between CTE programs at schools, community colleges,
and local businesses.  This program, which sunsets June 30,
2015, also provides support for linked learning, which support
small learning cohorts that integrate a career theme with
academic education.  (Education Code § 88530)

6)Career Pathways Trust.  Provided one-time funding in 2014-15
for competitive grants similar to the CTE pathways program.
These funds are available for expenditure through 2015-16.
Grants are available for K-14 career pathways programs.
(Education Code § 53010)

This bill:

1)Establishes the Career and Job Skills Education Act, a grant
program to be administered by the SPI, for the purposes of
developing and enhancing CTE courses.

2)Authorizes, the governing board of one or more school
districts, county offices of education, direct-funded charter
schools, or regional occupational centers or programs operated
by joint powers authorities with the written consent from each
participating LEA that operates any state approved CTE
sequence of courses to apply to the SPI for a grant.

3)Outlines the following program requirements:

a)   Adoption of CTE programs in consultation with the
governing board of an applicant and the county office of
education, local workforce investment boards, and community
colleges, as specified.

b)   Requires the provision of:

i)     CTE courses aligned with Career Model Curriculum

ii)       A coherent sequence of courses that enable
transition to postsecondary education on a career pathway
or attain entry level employment, as specified.

c)   Inclusion of plans by grant recipients for articulation
of CTE courses with community colleges or apprenticeships
programs to continue the sequence through grades 13 and 14
and for the acquisition of high-quality industry
certifications, credentials, and licenses.

d)   Inclusion of local business and industry needs
assessments to ensure pupil competency needed for

e)   Provision of student support services to assist with
meeting high school graduation requirements and career

f)   Inclusion of industry partnerships including student
internships and externships for teachers.

g)   Development of a system of annual data collection and
reporting of student outcomes that includes enrollment,
high school completion, employment, postsecondary
advancement, course offerings and certification, licensing  and pathway assessment outcomes.

4)Allocates funds contingent upon an appropriation in Budget Act
of 2015 for the purposes outlined in this bill and;

a)   Requires applicants to provide a dollar for dollar match
and identify CTE expenses for that application year, as

b)   Allocates 2% for administrative costs to the California
Department of Education (CDE) for technical assistance,
professional development, accountability and local

c)   Sets aside 2% for rural districts and regions with high
rates of high school dropouts, as specified.

d)   Declares legislative intent to appropriate funding as
necessary, for these purposes in the 2017-18 and 2018-19
fiscal years.

e)   Restricts the use of funds for staff salaries, benefits,
or both, except as specified.

f)   Authorizes the use of these funds for matching pupils
with work-based learning opportunities, technical
assistance, industry partnerships, student support
services, evaluating outcomes, planning, development,
accountability, curriculum development, instructional
equipment, materials, teacher externships, or pupils of
special populations, as specified.

5)Directs the SPI to:

a)   Adopt rules and regulations governing the distribution
of funds and establish criteria for assessing whether grant
requirements are met, as specified.

b)   Develop a system of accountability, data collecting and
reporting, as specified, and ensure program goals are

c)   Develop data metrics that are aligned with core metrics
required by the federal Workforce Innovation and
Opportunity Act, common metrics adopted by the office of
the Chancellor of California Community Colleges, any career
ready standards adopted pursuant to the federal Elementary
and Secondary Education Act and 11 program quality
indicators in the California State Plan for Career
Technical Education.

d)   Provide technical and professional assistance to grant
award recipients.

e)   Adopt and provide a list of CTE pathway assessments and
a list of approved high quality industry certifications and
licenses and approved third party CTE pathway assessments
in each CTE pathway for use in program development.

6)Requires, as a condition of receiving funds, each grant
recipient to:

a)   Develop a plan for establishing a sequence of courses
and certify to CDE that the courses were developed and are
aligned to state standards, that CTE teachers are
appropriately credentialed, and that funds are not used for
staff salaries and benefits, except as otherwise specified.

b)   Submit new or revised CTE programs or pathways to the
Department for approval by September 1 of the fiscal year
in which those changes occur.

c)   Collect and report data as required by CDE and the
applicable local control and accountability plan.

7)Requires the SPI and the SBE to incorporate appropriate
metrics into the state adopted accountability measures,
aligned with the federal Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical
Education Improvement Act of 2006, California’s Standards for
Career Ready Practice, and the quality indicators described in
the California State Plan for Career Technical Education, to
determine career readiness.

8)Makes a number of related declarations and findings.


Need for the bill. According to the author, CTE investment is at
a historic low and changes to the state’s financing structure
have resulted in less funds being available for high-quality CTE
programs.  At the same time, the author opines that today’s
students require career, technical and job skills to ensure they
have the tools necessary to thrive in the state’s rebounding
economy.  According to the author, this bill resembles the CTE
Incentive Grant program outlined in the Governor’s 2015-16
Budget proposal, but mandates more rigorous performance and
accountability standards, aligns reporting requirements with the
federal Perkins grant, and accelerates the development of new
and expanded high-quality CTE programs for the next three years.

NOTE: See the Senate Education Committee analysis for a full
discussion of this bill.

FISCAL EFFECT:   Appropriation:    Yes         Fiscal
Com.:YesLocal:   No

According to the Senate Appropriations Committee:

Cost pressure of unknown, but likely significant costs to fund
grants to LEAs.  A related program included in the Governor’s
Budget provides funding in the hundreds of millions.

To the extent funding is provided, costs to CDE cost would be
approximately $500,000 annually (General Fund), which includes
costs for 3 PY of staff to administer the program and
approximately $150,000 in operating expenses, workshops, and
awardee training.

SUPPORT:   (Verified  5/29/15)

Boehringer-Ingelheim Pharmaceutical Company
California Alliance of Boys & Girls Clubs
California Association of Regional Occupational Centers and
California Association of Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning
Contractor’s National Association
California Business Education Association
California Chamber of Commerce
California Farm Bureau Federation
California Labor Federation
California Manufacturers & Technology Association
California School Boards Association
California School Employees Association
California State PTA
California Teachers Association
Disability Rights California
Kelseyville Unified School District
Los Angeles County of Education
Professional Beauty Federation of California
San Bernardino County District Advocates for Better Schools
Santa Clara County Office of Education
School Employers Association of California
State Building and Construction Trades Council
The School for Integrated Academics and Technologies

OPPOSITION:   (Verified  5/29/15)

None received

Prepared by:Olgalilia Ramirez / ED. / (916) 651-4105
6/2/15 11:50:37

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